Catching Up

My intention was to start blogging on a more frequent basis when I set this blog up.  However, this year has gotten away from me.  Here it is a week from Thanksgiving and my mind is still back in September.  Time has just flown by.

I had an opportunity to go to Africa this year, which I did in September for 3 weeks.  This has always been a bucket list item for me, so when this opportunity presented itself earlier this year, I figured WhyNot!!!  I travelled with friends I have known for 30 years, but hadn’t seen for quite awhile.  Needless to say, the trip was beyond words.  It’s probably one of the best trips I have ever taken.  My late husband and I travelled quite a bit, but he never wanted to go to Africa, so this was not a trip we would have taken.  I spent the bulk of the year consumed with getting ready to go.  Being away for 3 weeks and having animals and property to be attended to requires some pre planning.  It was all worth it.

Today is November 16th.  Yes a significant date because it is the 16th of the month and my husband passed on the16th of August in 2013.  It was 39 months ago.   I am happy to say that I have gotten through the last two months of significant days without any problem.  October had been difficult since that is the month of our wedding anniversary.  This month was my husband’s birthday.  I actually got through all these days with no difficulties this year.  There was a time in this process that I didn’t think this would ever happen!  It is getting some what better.  This is not to say that I don’t still have some low moments.  I definitely do!  They are just further apart and not as horribly low and difficult.  I know that many people say this is something you never get over.  I would like to say that this type of loss is something you never “forget”.  You will never forget your life with your spouse.  It was a major part of your life and helped shape who you are.  However, it is possible to create a new life for yourself without forgetting this portion of your life.  I think I am just starting to reach this point.  It has not been without many low and ugly moments, but I am starting to see some light instead of so much darkness.

Bye for now,

